About the Shaw me Tell me Questions:
At the beginning of your Driving Test, the Driving Examiner will ask you a tell me question on car maintenance and other controls. The shaw me question will be asked while driving . They are the Shaw me Tell me Questions. Not answering the questions will not, in itself , cause you to fail your Driving Test, but, will be marked as a minor Driving Fault of which you are allowed up to fifteen. More than fifteen and it will be marked as a major Driving Fault and cause you to fail your Practical Driving Test so, make sure you learn them well,
Your Driving Instructor will explain about the questions
You can download all the Shaw me Tell me question from the Goverment site by following the link bellow
After you have passed your Practical Driving Test you might feel a little nervous about driving all by yourself. That’s when Pass Plus is of great help.
We offer our Pass Plus lessons in Derby and surrounding areas. Doing a Pass Plus course will give you the Driving Experience that otherwise would take you a long time to acquire. Besides making you a better driver, once you have obtained the Pass Plus Certificate, it will entitle you to great discounts on your insurance.
To complete the Pass Plus Course you must take a minimum of six Driving Lessons each lasting an hour. There is no Test at the end but, you must reach quite a high standard.
We’d like all our students to do a Pass Plus Course but, of course, that’s your choice. See the Prices page. We have a very special price for Pass Plus.
Shaw me Tell me Questions, Pass Plus in Derby, Beginners Driving Lessons Derby, Driving in Derbyshire, Driving Lessons in Derby,